Book: "Wheel of Time Book 6: Lord of Chaos" by Robert Jordan

I can't help myself. I'm trying to read my way to completion of the Wheel of Time series before I watch the TV show, and have conflicted feelings about it. 

They say you shouldn't judge a book by it's cover, but fucking look at it, that's what you're getting.

The plot continues to revolve around a group of friends who never share information with each other, so they end up working at cross-purposes, yet still somehow achieving the weaving of the wheel towards the Armageddon or T'ara'm';agegdencdgenoddon or whatever bullshit mispelling they use in the books. 

Nynaeve continues to be annoying character, whose main character trait is pulling her hair, and who every so often looks like she is going to have an epiphany and stop being such a bitch to everyone, but then always stops short. I'm guessing at some point she'll stop being a bitch when Lan eventually gets it on with her, and then her block with the Lady Force will suddenly go away because of special magic-bonding sex.

Mat has his cheeky personality replaced with a hat and a swordy-spear. Perrin and Faile continue to have pointless relationship difficulties.

As you can tell, from my sarcastic rendering of the characters and plots, I'm not a massive fan of this series, but god help me, I can't stop reading either. It feels like Fantasy-Eastenders and dirty.

My main complaint is that I can't find a decent sized official map of Not-Westeros to print off on A3 and put on my wall, so I can use it to keep track of where the fuck everyone is as they teleport around. I also need a checklist of the Forsaken that I can use to keep track of where they are and who they are pretending to be.

The Dark One seems to rule by using division and fear, mainly among his own followers, which seems counter-productive, if not, rather cliched.

I want to hate-score it 1/5 for all the reasons above, but because I can't put it down, it gets a 4/5. FFS.

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