
Showing posts from October, 2022

Good tweets from Tessa Davis

From Twitter:   10 must-know Japanese concepts that will improve your life: #1: Oubaitori.  Never compare yourself. Everyone blossoms in their own time in different ways. Don't judge yourself by someone else's path. #2: Kaizen. Continuously improve. Constantly strive to improve across all areas of your life. Small changes accumulate and make all the difference. #3: Wabi-sabi. Embrace imperfection. Nothing lasts, nothing is complete. Accept your own flaws and those of others. Find beauty in imperfection. #4: Mottainai. Don't be wasteful. Everything deserves respect and gratitude. Recognize the value in what's around you and don't waste it. #5: Gaman. Have dignity during duress. Hard times need to be met with emotional maturity and self-control. We need patience, perseverance, + tolerance. #6: Yuugen. Appreciate mysterious beauty. Often we FEEL the beauty in an object without it being stunning to look at. Dis...

Jerry Seinfeld quote about parenting

Thought of this after the school holiday week that just passed where we didn't do anything special together, but did spend time together. “I don’t need any special days. I mean they’re all special. We spend a lot of time together and I enjoy every second of it. Again, I’m a believer in the ordinary and the mundane. These guys that talk about ‘quality time’ – I always find that a little sad when they say, ‘We have quality time.’ I don’t want quality time. I want the garbage time. That’s what I like. You just see them in their room reading a comic book and you get to kind of watch that for a minute, or [having] a bowl of Cheerios at 11 o’clock at night when they’re not even supposed to be up. The garbage, that’s what I love.” So, a great week, followed by a drop-off at their mums where in the space of two minutes she accused me of feeding my kids too much sugar today (a donut! gasp! *clutches pearls*, *pretends not to hear about the fruit and vegetables*), and then accused me of tryi...